The Prom-Mom's Perspectives and Ramblings...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cancer's a funny thing...

Not like funny 'hahaha, I have cancer' (though I'm sure I've had one or two loony-bin moments,  especially early on, where I was laughing through my twisted state of denial)...
but I mean the kind of 'funny' where so many things COME of it.

Sure, I suppose it's like any life-changing thing where there will always be of kind of 'chain response' of things that happen...
but since, in my case, cancer was quickly diagnosed as a journey (and a fairly long journey at that), that chain reaction seems to just continue trickling out.. sometimes in spurts and other times out of the complete blue.

Everyone else's life certainly doesn't stop just because YOU found out you have fact, it's quite the opposite. Friends and family alike still have jobs, lives with spouses, and/or are busy having and raising families, experiencing important moments and milestones. However, it's during the days where I read some face book post about something that seems so insignificant and think *SELFISHLY* 'They don't care anymore...they forgot all about it already.' Of course it's not long after that generally that someone sends me a message of prayer or thoughtfulness and I find myself completely cornered with guilt and embarrassment. TIME DOESN'T STAND STILL--life was not JUST ABOUT ME before, so why should it be, now?!! DUH. I promise you I know's just easy to pitty-party for yourself when you have the combination of heavy drugs pumping through your body and brain on top of the depressed-feeling state of 'having/fighting cancer.'

So where does the funny fit in, right?!
Yeah. I promise, I'm getting to that.

The 'funny,' in this case, really should be translated into another of my eldest's favorite words... ...AWESOME.

What is AWESOME about cancer is how God uses it.

In the past couple of months, I have made more friends than I can count having made in many of my recent previous years, combined! That's right... cancer's made me 'popular', lol!! ;)
Really though. It's just awesome.

'Cancer' has, apparently, also touched many people, enough to make them ponder God---maybe not fully believe or come to 'know' that He is REAL, but at least ask questions. I know this because I receive weekly messages from different connections on this very topic. People who read the blog or read just a post or what-have-you and then either say something or better yet, DO something that proves, significantly, that things are being altered for them..... it's AWESOME.

'Cancer' has also brought some really important people BACK into my life. Both family and friends alike, who've experienced alongside me, that same 'ah-ha' phenomenon of 'wasting life' and 'letting days and days' just pass on by with this *insert lame excuse here* holding me back from this *insert important life relationships here*----- Yeeeeeah.
Cancer has filled gaps in that regard. REMOVED humanity. Allowed faults. Overlooked blame.


So yeah, while cancer has caused me mass bouts of diarrhea *prepare yourselves now for my next post on that*, nausea that has made me, at times, contemplate complete stomach removal--self-surgery here, peeps, ha! , indigestion I had not a clue existed-----we're talking worst heart-burn ever on steroids *literally*, hot-flashes at the age of 33 yrs old *you kidding me?!!*, and a number of other 'super fun memories', what I will cherish most from this journey is the secondary role I get to play---the role of an observer.
Observing Christ's Working, through cancer.

To quote Martha Stewart in a rather sadistic way...
Cancer, It's a Good Thing.

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