The Prom-Mom's Perspectives and Ramblings...

Monday, December 3, 2012

A whole lotta blah-blah-blah...

It's 10:56pm. Night before chemo #6 and I'm literally, sitting here *should be putting the computer down to sleep* but instead persistent to get something... ANYTHING...on here for those of you starting off your Monday morning/work-week, and I honestly...


How 'inspirational' is that?! :-P

Is it just me or is anyone else noticing the brain-cells that are leaking from me lately... ha.

I suppose, if nothing else, a summarization of 'things' will have to suffice.
So hear it goes.

The hair:
Well, let me just say what I've been able to say to a few people in person now about being bald.
WOW. IS IT COLD! hahaha.

Seriously. A NEW FOUND sympathy for bald men and babies  --->RIGHT HERE.
Folks, if you have a baby and you walk outside right now with it, hatless/hoodless/bonnet-less and you run into me, just know that I WILL be confiscating your child and running to the nearest store rack of hat-warmers!
I'm sorry, but until you have NOT had hair on your head, you do not fully appreciate God's creation of hair and it's natural position and purpose of INSULATING!
So yeah.
After learning that lesson, *and after the initial 24 hr shock period with baldness* I am now beginning to have quite a lot of fun with my hairless look. Friday, I spent a near three hours watching how-to videos and reading step-by-step message-boards on tying hair/head scarves and now really desire acquiring a ton more scarves so I can try out more things! In due time, I know... but you have to understand that these are the things that now excite my silly little world. ;)

Let's see, what else. OH!
The job:
So, after praying about it and talking with the hubs on the subject, it's been decided that I will be starting back at the studio...just one day a week *baby steps* but I'm still sooooooo excited to get back to teaching and tickling the ivories a little, too! My doc (and I'm not making this up) even gave me orders, early on, to play the piano so I could avoid neuropathy from setting in too badly...which I'm assuming typing this blog has also been a similar enough action...but why not embrace one MORE excuse to get back to my music!! ;)
As if I'm already not humbled enough by my students periodic 'I miss you' texts, it didn't take more than an hour of bulk group-texting back and forth to have 2pm-to 7:30pm totally booked back up.
Love it. And them. SO. MUCH.

What else is new?
Well, the blessing of friendship isn't 'new' but I am certainly relishing all the continued visits and fellowship of friends and NEW friends, too! God sure is getting the Glory. So so awesome to see people be so positively affected and encouraged through such a yucky thing as cancer. People keep saying 'what else can I do' and I keep saying... just KEEP PRAYING and don't disclude YOURSELF from that prayer.
What do I mean by that??
I mean...praise God that He has allowed this so that we ALL are yearning for Him more and needing to draw closer to Him. That's the whole point. :)

And on that note...Thank you all for your continued efforts as my prayer warriors...
it seems I can't go anywhere outside my house anymore in this tiny little 20,000 person town without running into at least one or two of you who stop to give a hug, say a prayer--even in the middle of a store!--or finally INTRODUCE yourself after our 'association' on here. Absolutely awesomely amazing, and though I don't know any other circumstance under which I would've felt more genuine in saying makes me that much more grateful that God brought our little family back to Roseburg five years ago.

He sure did know what He was doing~

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to the neeeed to write, but having nothing to say.

    Just write.

    Just get those fingers moving, and do it. Sometimes, just doing a brain dump helps - even if you never hit "Publish."

    How exciting and normal-feeling it must be to get back into your studio!

    I'll keep praying for you, Hayley. Keep smiling, eyes up, and let your prayer warriors continue to hold your arms up in courage.


    PS: I met your mom the day after the shaving party, at Hair Affair. I got to give her a hug and tell her I'm praying for you. She's full of awesome. :-)


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