The Prom-Mom's Perspectives and Ramblings...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Countdown to Booby-day: 11, 10, 9...

It is now NINE days to Booby day. Can't believe I flaked on my countdown, but I suppose that is just a testimony to how busy life has kept me--my top thoughts on other things, like resuming homeschool, studio-teaching, co-op and our usual school-year schedule--though I'd be lying if I said booby-day lurks in the back of my mind.

So, as promised...
here are the numbers *sorry to be so behind* and their 'other meanings' to my life.

11: 2011 was also the year I first went in with a peculiar pea-sized lump and why I PREACH FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS to all of you that you must self-advocate and demand accurate and thorough answers, the first time!!!

10: How many years Aaron and I were married right before our lives were changed forever in a way we could never of expected or imagined.

9: Also the total number of cancerous lymph-nodes identified after my right axillary dissection. :(

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