The Prom-Mom's Perspectives and Ramblings...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Laugh at Life's 'Poop'

Largely due in part  to the fact that I am now a mother of two---which, sorry ladies, I consider ACTUAL motherhood since I'm now entirely convinced that mothers of just one have only licked the top of that salt-block---I find that my most inspirational and highly irrational ideas hit me during that 5-minutes-a-day I get entirely to myself (sometimes 10, if I stay up until the un-godly hours of the night, (see my first blog), OR when I'm in the shower--that is, when I purposely take an extended period of time out to take one. 
Yes…you read it right…the. shower. 
Steam spraying up from my 'scalding-hot spray' (as the hubs claims), ideas like 'I want to write an orchestral work' OR 'I'm going to write a book' come across my thoughts. :P I know, right?!

Maybe the hubby's right…maybe that water scalding my BRAIN…or maybe I've misplaced my marbles somewhere between 'Mommy, Lincy's stinky' or 'Honey, where'd that (fill-in-the-blank) go,' or 'Ew, Dooger pooped on the porch.' 
Hmmm…anyone else notice how more than one poop-scenario came up in my short list of examples?

It appears I've answered my own question. I have lost my marbles. But why, you say? 

Poop, of course. 

My mother's crazy family claims that 'Poop is funny' but I think I'll instead claim that 'Poop is insanity.' Am I laughing when I'm cleaning the 500th blow-out of my short-lived motherhood? Not exactly. Am I laughing when I'm cleaning the diarrhea off the front of my pants cause my 3 year old had 'to go' in the middle of a Taco Bell drive-thru at the beginning of an hour-long road-trip, yet neglected to tell his panicky, scrambling mother that he'd 'already gone' before she braced him 'into position' against her thighs? Not so much.
I must be missing something.

I suppose my one important crisis-saver in the midst of my 'poop-insanity'---as I'm now calling my 'condition' is that my mom's family IS right--well, mostly. 
Poop's not necessarily funny, but in order to not just survive but thrive in this period of life, one must convince oneself that it IS funny. both scenario and self, no matter how gag-worthy the poop!
in summary of this rambling,

When life hands you poop...........


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