The Prom-Mom's Perspectives and Ramblings...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Studios, sickness...sanity???

As long as I'm using such alliteration for my title, I'll start by saying...


Ever had one of those days...err, weeks.......err, MONTHS where you feel like God is just testing, testing, testing you?!
Yeah, that's been me lately.
I'll let the fact that I haven't posted for like a week speak for itself.

September started with aspirations and unkempt excitement of moving my music-studio/business to a new location,
which was quickly squelched by hold after hold after hold, it seemed, on the date in which I'd be able to get into it.

It's now October.
HUH? Where the heck did THAT month go?!!

Anyway, yeah, October's here and I'm still at the old location.
Mind you, I'm over half way moved into the new one---paint on some of the walls, most furniture also all moved (minus the steal of an office desk that has annoyingly taking residence on my porch.)
Been teaching with pretty much a piano and a handful of the books that I need. (Notice I said 'handful' which implies, yes, I've been finding I don't have all that I need this past couple weeks worth of lessons.)

If it's not enough that I don't, technically, have a bona fide studio-space, the piano-hunt I've been on the past month has been a lot like I'd imagine house-hunting right now would be--at least in our area!
I found one. JUST. KIDDING. Ope, I really di.......d'NOT.

Fun times, ha!

In the midst of it all, who comes down with the first flu of the yucky season? (...and yes, I said yucky cause I reeeeally don't like rain in large quantities like we get 9 months out of the year, here.) :P
So who is it? Did you guess?
Yep, my boys. Yes, plural!
BOTH little men came down ill this past weekend and though it seemed it was
going to be a fairly harmless deal, it was sneaky and mean. High temps sunk in today which were quickly followed by puking and all kinds of sadness.
Needless to say, my poor studio-students got curbed tonight. :(

So what's the good in this or is this just a downer/cry-me-a-river kind of post??
Well, it sort of is a complaint-rant...but to tack any kind of rainbow to the end is
just necessary, don't you think?!

So, here's my attempt.

A) I don't have a studio--YET--but I will and when I do, it will be quite the blessing!!!
Not only will I be, literally, right next door to Aaron (the hubs), but I will have more space which
means the opportunity to offer more to my students----maybe I'll finally start up that
little side-photography business I've been wanting to do for so long?! I'll even have a
bona-fide playroom space for the little men if/when they need to be there and/or little siblings of
students who have to wait. ;)

B) I don't have the 'perfect' piano--YET--but I have faith that when it comes along, it will be
just that--perfect--in every way it needs to be for my use and my space. :)

C) The ONLY thing I can really think of that is good about the boys being so sick is how they
become extra snuggly when they don't feel 100%... and for me to stew and fret over the other
things so much so that I overlook the extra rock-a-bye's and head-rubs would just be plain foolish!

Where am I going with this rambling and is there a moral here?

The answer is yes...

Go hug your kids.
Go sit and put together a puzzle with them, or draw a cool make-believe place with
a simple pencil and paper, or simply sing a song with them *and don't you dare tell this music-teacher 'you can't sing.'

As cliche as it may sound...
when it all comes down to what day-to-day life is giving you...the ONLY thing that really
matters is what life has GIFTED you.

On that note, I'm gonna go snuggle up to the hubs. Night.

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