The Prom-Mom's Perspectives and Ramblings...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Chicago (F)or Bust!

Just to fill all of you in on something that's been in 'the works' this past couple of weeks and finally, as of today, is confirmed...

We're off to Chicago for a week!!!

There's a part of me that wishes it were just for a nice get-away, but these medical-bill-paying days, there's 
A) really NO budget for travel, leisure or otherwise and
B) everything right now is unfortunately still about cancer, ha!

Of course, looking at it in a more positive spin...we're getting an all-expenses paid trip, DUE to the cancer, lol. 

Thanks, cancer. :-P

Really, though. 
Now that we're past the two biggest pieces of treatment, (chemotherapy and radical surgery), we are at a good point to collect some second opinions when it comes to the next 5-10 years of 'managing' my health. The Cancer Treatment Centers of America has an ABCF (American Breast Cancer Foundation) accredited hospital in Chicago--Zion to be exact--Illinois, that we will be spending the next 5-6 days at. Because we still need an income coming in and the clinic and Aaron are our only source of that right now (more 'joys' of self-employment!), there is a large chance that Aaron will be flying back on Sunday before me--depending on how long my evaluation with the whole medical team takes.
However the return trip ends up working, we are currently scheduled for a departing flight this coming Tuesday evening (May 7th), and are thankful we will at least be able to take that one together. :)

Not only has talking to other survivors about their experiences with this organization prompted me to look further into it, but I have read nothing but wonderful things about their handlings and reputation amongst their patients and employees.
Now, don't get me wrong...
OHSU has been really good to us up to now. We have felt very cared for and personally attended to up there. But at this point of the journey, when we're talking about what my next ten+ years of life look like, second opinions are good confirmation that we're doing the right thing, in all aspects. 
OHSU is a drug-development hospital, which means, up to now, whenever I've had a side-effect from any treatment or drug, what comes my way is... MORE DRUGS. (Those of course bringing with, more side-effects.) :-L This may be the only options that I have and if that's what we find is the case, then we know we're on the right track to elongating my life and will happily continue my care through OHSU. However...whatever further dietary/treatment-alternative/support--and for that matter--additional professional resources that we can gain, we want them! Every survivor I've ever conversed with about this has never once said they were 'sorry' that they received second-opinions---and frankly, I don't want to find us three years from now sorry that we didn't

So that's it.

Our precious little men will be taking up temporary residence with their beloved loving and supportive Monga and Nana M (my parents) for the week or so that I have to be there... and though this is a 'business' trip with little time outside of tests and appointments with the specialists... we're looking forward to our discussions and experiences with the large team that will be consulting with us.

They have made our reservations here: at the Lotus Suites, where we will be shuttled by CTCA back and forth from the clinic site each day.
As I said before, since we are traveling so far, we qualified for their Travel Program which basically covers all costs of this trip---airfare, lodging, food, transportation. The biggest 'expense' we face is just having Aaron gone from the clinic--but in gaining more answers to important questions and obtaining the confirmation that we're doing exactly what's right for us at this point in time--its a sacrifice we're willing to make and we that we will once again lean on God to cover.

Any prayer you want to provide when it comes to all future decisions with my treatment--whether it be continuing with where we've been or switching to CTCA or something else--is very appreciated. Of course, prayers for safe travel are a given as well as prayers for our little men who are once again being left behind. They have been incredible over this past seven months, but all of this is starting to wear on them, as we have noticed recently. Let's face it... they are tired. And so are we. :-P

Prayers for renewed strength and 'fight' would be good, too. ;)

Our continued, utmost appreciation to all who continue to follow, fight, pray, bless us with food and finances, share with others... and just face this battle we are in!
We continue to win and dream of the day that we can celebrate being YEARS free of this awful disease.

In the meantime, we stand grateful for this opportunity and this MOMENT to educate ourselves as we continue to look to our Almighty Father and Healer for the final answers~

PS: I will be updating the blog daily after we get there and have experiences/answers to report under the 'Treatment Updates' link on the home-page. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Zion? Well, yep THAT sounds good.... hee hee, are we not all hoping to get a blessing there??? .... we love you. Yes, praying for your clarity in all things. Team Monga and Nana


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