Arrived to the Health and Healing Sciences clinic at 9:30 this morning.
Met directly with our NP for pre-infusions to answer any and all remaining questions and get the rest of my 'friends' (as I'm now going to be referring to my drugs) ordered *and YES, I am listening to that Beatles tune now* to combat as many of the possible chemo side-effects as we can.
PRO-active is our word. ;)
You'd better believe I will be finding or ordering a 'pill box'---since I don't feel stripped of my youth enough as it is, being up here around all the mid-aged and elderly patients---while I sit in waiting-rooms and treatment-rooms, EXPERIENCING my near-off-charts statistic, ha! ;-P
Mom sits to my right amongst all our bags and time-passing 'items' (pretty much all except the kitchen-sink itself) which I find ironic, with how much I will need to be washing my hands with water and/or sanitizer from this point forward. Oh...FYI for all you future visitors out there, be prepared to sanitize as though you are in a hospital (and of course get the 'run-out' if you come sick)... which I know you ALL understand has absolutely zero to do with my own personal desire~
Gotta keep my immune system as boosted as possible throughout this trek!
As I sit here, I can't help but think about my darling boys---
Gray is at school right now, hopefully continuing to uphold his student-of-the-month behavior. ;)
He spent all evening yesterday with his sweet Monga--a 'guys club' day with just the two of them--
(sort of a de-ja-vu from the once-upon-a-time's before Mr. Linc came along).
We received adorable pictures of the two of them last night having a little pow-pow around Monga's burn-pile, roasting brats and shooting the guy-breeze.
Lincy traveled north with us, just till Eugene to be with auntie Jill, uncle Joel and cousin Evey where he's spent (as the photos are attesting) a fun-filled 24 hours in endless play-date heaven! His very first 'sleep-over' by himself!! *sigh*
Aaron continues to plug away at work, holding up our financial end of things and making sure the normal bills are covered--doing his best to stay strong, even in the moments that are, for all of us, a bit on the crazy side. ;-P
But crazy or no crazy, here we are.
Finding the moments that make us giggle and at times, telling and reliving a joke for minutes *even HOURS* if just to stay in a silly state of mind about it all. ;) Let's face it... when you're doing this and know you'll be doing this now, for a while, the giggles a therapy of there own!
Oh, and the drugs... which I FULLY intend to take advantage of as I'm allowed. ;)
Of course as always, my TRUE drug is God~ My Healer. My Rock. My All in All. The one at the steering wheel of it all, THANK THE LORD!
In two hours when we are done with the chemo drug infusion, we'll hopefully be able to head home.
My own bed. My own space. There really is only so much and so long a person can be in a hospital-setting, talking about and 'seeing' cancer.
As I've said before... I HAVE cancer, but that's not nor will it EVER be 'who I am.'
So hurry up, machine--pump me full so I can get back to my REAL life, outside of this~ ;)


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